Become a conscious creator of your desired future in 2020

Create a year of change that propels you in a beautiful and positive direction
Not only is 2020 a brand new year, it’s a brand new decade.
This shift is not necessarily going to be easy.
Chaos always precedes change, and change is uncomfortable and can be scary.
That’s why it’s more important than ever to have the tools and information to navigate this turbulent terrain from within.
You’re invited to IGNITE so you can focus on YOU and a powerful 2020.
Whether you are aware of it or not, you are already subconsciously creating your life as you know it today and this is only going to become stronger. Why not learn to become a conscious creator of your desired future in 2020?
Let me show you how to actualize your reality…to consciously create a year of change that propels you in a beautiful and positive direction.
What I know is that it takes deliberate and focused attention to create a specific reality.
2020 is not about working harder. It’s what you do inside that matters most and exactly why I created this program for you.
Let me show you how to create and receive your life from an abundant and joyful heart…with gratitude and grace.
Ignite is a 4-week virtual program that will help you:
- Work with the power of Intention and Desire
- Get clear with and release your subconscious sabotaging beliefs
- Co-create with the Universe…remember you are never alone.
- Create a simple, regular practice that builds momentum and keeps you in the flow of creation all year long
- Take focused, daily action steps throughout the year that will give you positive results that leave you feeling great!
Ignite is for you, if you are:
✧ Tired of setting New Years goals and resolutions and not achieving them
✧ Done with wishing and hoping things will change that never do
✧ Sick of playing small and feeling invisible, empty and alone
✧ Exhausted from striving, performing, controlling and perfecting your way through life.
✧ Willing to open your mind to new possibilities and try something new
✧ Excited to learn and grow yourself into a happier and more fulfilling life
✧ Ready for change!
Ignite is NOT for you, if you:
✧ Want someone to “rescue” or save you
✧ Are unwilling to receive new ideas and tools and practice them over time
✧ Believe everything I have written above is “airy-fairy”
✧ You’re not interested in embracing this new way of being in the world, learning anything new or trying something different
“Cindy gave me tools to stay grounded no matter what’s going on around me. Today, I actually have pleasure in slowing down my pace and just BE-ing. Life is not the mad rush it used to be. Although I still get everything done (and sometimes I don’t), there’s no stress.”
$225 New Zealand Dollar
($150 USD)
We are going from the Piscean Age into the Age of Aquarius!
So what does that mean?
The Piscean Age has been dominated by hierarchy, proving, earning, striving, competing and power. Everything you learned from your parents and they from their parents, going back 2000 years, has been impacted by this Piscean frame of reference. Now all that is changing.
The Aquarian Age is all about trusting and loving ourselves.
Instead of looking to others for answers, we will find all our answers within ourselves.
Instead of learning from and following others, the Aquarian Age is about going within and valuing wisdom and intuition over intellect, connectivity over separation and love over fear.
Take a moment now and notice.
Can you feel or see the changes starting to take place in the world today?
The world is shifting and YOU, my friend, are a part of this shift!
Ignite is a 4-week virtual group course that will meet once a week. You can join us live on Zoom via phone or video.
Classes will be recorded and sent to you within 24-hours so you won’t miss a thing.
Here are the dates of our group calls:
Pacific Time Zone:
January 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
Each call will be from 5-6 pm
New Zealand Time Zone:
January 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
Each call will be from 2-3 pm
$225 New Zealand Dollar
($150 USD)
“Working with Cindy has been transformative. She gave the tools to work through the heavy guilt and grief I carried and has given me a freedom that is extremely joyful. I now have a job I feel passionate about, a home I love, and a sense that I really can create my own life with a powerful purpose. Working with Cindy has opened my eyes to possibility.”
Get 2020 off to a powerful start!
Join this intimate event and give yourself the gift of TIME to understand, get clarity and lay the groundwork for an amazing 2020.
I was born for this transformational time.
Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 60s and early 70s, flower power, working (and playing) together and love were my essence. I know in my heart I was born for this time in history and I’m excited!
All of this and more, has prepared me to be your guide during this time. I’m excited for this change!
I’ve created this program to support you in consciously creating your life in this new decade and in this new energy.
Questions? Send a note to [email protected]. I’ll get back to you right away.

About Cindy:
Hi, I’m Cindy. Thanks for reading this far! I work with people all around the world to create lasting happiness and love from the inside out.
I’m a Northern California native who along with my husband Larry, son Will and dog Jake, moved to New Zealand in 2004. Larry and I now live between our lakeside cottage in the Sierra Nevada mountains and our seaside home on the north island of New Zealand.
Over the last 25 years, I have collected and created a full selection of tools and practices I use to create the amazing life I am blessed to live today.
“My priorities have changed to what matters most and because I trust things are going to work out, everything seems to be falling into place. My head is free of roadblocks. I now know how to make conscious choices that don’t just look good in my head but actually feel good in my body. I trust in myself and it feels great!”
$225 New Zealand Dollar
($150 USD)
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