Mediation is a perfect “medication” for these times of chaos and change. Meditation helps you to feel grounded, calm and connected to your highest Self and beyond.
With intention and desire, mediation can take you beyond relaxation and into creative generation. From the potent portal of meditation, you can open to receiving messages from your guides, deep healing, protection, manifestation, connection to your multidimensional Self and personal growth.
All of Cindy’s meditations have been recorded in one take and without scripts. With her gentle and loving voice, Cindy guides you to drop out of your head and into your heart, leaving the chaos of the 3-D world behind and entering into the 5-D world of the “more real” within you and into the expansiveness of the Universe.
Each time you listen, you’ll go deeper and deeper into the “magic” of each meditation. Enjoy journeying with Cindy, as you travel along a beautiful path of love.
Magical Morning Meditaion
I created the beautiful “Magical Morning Mediation” audio and accompanying guidebook, so you can let go of all thoughts and emotions that are not serving you and feed your soul with a special elixir especially designed to help you as you begin your day.

The Centre of Your Head Visualization
This visualisation will get you started until it becomes a natural “home” for you to navigate your life from. Enjoy!

Future Self Visualization
Grounding Cord Meditation
Set your grounding cord and allow all thoughts and emotions that are not serving you for your highest or best good, to be siphoned out of your body and down your grounding cord. Enjoy!
Embracing Your Inner Child And Adolescent
I created this beautiful visualization audio and accompanying guidebook with transformational exercises so that you can learn how you can give yourself the very things you’ve been longing for and looking for from others. Things like joy, connection, caring, nurturing, respect, intimacy, safety and security are all waiting for you within this beautiful visualization.
Heart Opening Meditation
Allow this beautiful guided meditation to open your heart to love. This love is within you. This love is your birthright and can never be taken away. Allow it to penetrate into your cells and envelope all around you. And at the perfect time, you will be invited to ask for guidance and encouraged to listen for the messages that come to you. Enjoy!
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