Do you often feel life is happening to you?

Do you easily get caught up in the busyness of your day and before you know it it’s over and…you’re exhausted. Maybe you’ve spent the whole day doing for others, just keeping up with what had to be done and now it’s over. And you think…is this all there is?

Anne Morrow Lindbergh in her book, Gift From the Sea, explains we are all like pitchers (or jugs for you Kiwis), pouring ourselves into the people and things that are important to us. Yet, how often or easy is it for you to stop and fill up your own pitcher? And how do you feel at the end of the day after pouring and pouring from an empty pitcher?

Do you find yourself hurrying to get to get to work in the morning…not taking a moment to witness the sun on your face, the fragrance in the air or to smile and gently look into the eyes of another?

How easy is it for you to stop before or during your day, take a breath and notice the beauty around you?

How different might your day be if you began your morning breathing into your heart and feeling grateful for yet another day…another opportunity to experience your life? To give thanks for your health, your home and to connect with the people you love and that love you?

“When we get caught up in the busyness of the world,
we lose connection with one another and ourself.”
-Jack Kornfield

When you lose connection with yourself and with others, you feel alone, empty and hollow.

If you desire deeper connections and a more meaningful life, I invite you to make time each day to stop and be present. Notice when you get caught up in the busyness of the world and insert a pause. In that pause, take a deep breath or two, relax and reconnect to yourself.

Then, reconnect to the beauty around you…it only takes a minute. This can be with nature, an animal, a child, pausing to feel grateful for your healthy body or recalling a fond memory in your heart….whatever brings you joy.

I invite you to do something, no matter how small, to fill your jug each day. When you do, you’ll find it is a lot easier to feel grateful for yourself, for others and for your life.

Here is a video of me sharing my message from my home in Omokoroa, New Zealand…along with an invitation to fill your jug with me in June.

Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!

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