Have you noticed your busyness keeps you feeling disconnected from both yourself and from others?
Because you are spending energy and time trying to GET somewhere, you are missing out on precious moments and opportunities that are right in front of you.

Chances are, your busyness is keeping you feeling separate and alone.
Would you like deeper connections with others?
Would you like to experience more compassion, ease and flow?
Do you want more time in your day?
If you answered “Yes” to any of the above, I suggest you stop doing so much and take time to BE. Below are a few ideas to help you.
- Take time to connect to yourself and others. Stop multitasking and really LISTEN to what your loved ones are saying to you.
- Feel and release your emotions
- Listen to your intuition…the quiet yet powerful guidance within you.
- Take time to celebrate!
- Notice the beauty around you.
- Listen to nature. Listen to stillness.
- Drop out of your head and into your body and BREATHE.
- BE right here, right now with me.
- Feel into your passion. Notice what gives you joy and connects you with your purpose.
- Be present with your desires. Set your conscious, focused intention around these desires and imagine living this desired life.
Sounds easy, huh? So, what keeps you on the hampster wheel of doing, chasing and striving?
Most likely you are spending way too much time in your head. Your ego spins in perfection, control, performance, striving, comparing, rehashing the past, worrying about the future and quite often around things you cannot control.
And, most likely, these things have become a habit. What is the impact these habits are having on your life?
I invite you to take time today and set the intention to reconnect to you.
You do this by S-L-O-W-I-N-G things down and becoming the observer of yourself.
Recognise how you spend your time and energy pushing, doing, worrying, performing and being busy…all out of habit.
Acknowledge the impact this is having on your life. Acknowledge how your busyness numbs you out and keeps you separate from both yourself and from those and what you love.
I invite you to become conscious of your choices and the impact these choices are having on your life. I invite you to try on some different choices. You can start with one from the list above.
What are you ready to let go of? What could you replace it with that could leave you feeling more, loving, inspired, creative, engaged, fulfilled and/or connected?
As always, I invite you to add your thoughts in the comments below.
A Winter Solstice Retreat – 18-21 June
Are you feeling the nudge for change? Are you needing some restorative time out? Would you like the tools and support to move through these challenging and changing times and step into the best version of you?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, I invite you to join me in Taupō for a beautiful winter solstice retreat.
This restorative weekend retreat will be nourishing for the soul on so many levels.
You will:
✨ Clear out the old with a fire ceremony
✨ Heal and rejuvenate with a Sacred Healing Water Divine Activation
✨ Expand your frequency through tapping into powerful energies of sacred sites in nature
✨ Gather information and tools to assist you in navigating these chaotic times of personal and global transition in the world today
✨ Connect to your Soul in powerful ways and uplevel and align to your unique energy signature
✨ Soak in warm and healing thermal pools
✨ Eat delicious and healthy homemade meals
✨ Engage in meaningful and lively conversations around the fire
✨ Experience a sacred Cacao in ceremony
✨ Rest in a beautiful accommodation in nature along the river
✨ Transform yourself over a weekend of connection and fun!
You will leave this weekend feeling like a different person…and in a good way!
This is a special opportunity to get both Joanna and myself for a long weekend together. Our work is powerful and this weekend is curated to provide a gentle yet transformative experience to uplift, nourish, expand and ground.
At the writing of this, we have a couple spots remaining. We have some beautiful men and women on board for this stunning retreat.
Gifting yourself time in nature and self love is necessary every day and with the current energies, it’s especially powerful!
You can click on the link below for the details:
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