SwanDid you know that your “reality,” or what you see around you, is a direct reflection of your inner world or what you feel inside? I call this your “Inner Feng Shui.”

Inner Feng Shui works with vibration or resonance. The better things feel, the higher the vibration or resonance. The lower things feel, the lower the vibration or resonance. There are many things that can lower or raise your resonance. Here are some suggestions for lifting your resonance so you attract more of what you desire…more joy, more love and more fulfillment!

  1. Notice and give attention to what you are grateful for. It’s easy to get caught up in what is not going right in our lives, instead of appreciating the things that are. Remember, what you give attention to increases. A daily prayer of gratitude, keeping a gratitude journal, and paying attention to what’s going right can make a big difference in your vibration. Remember, the more you are grateful, the more things you attract to be grateful for.
  2. Make food choices that support your body. Processed foods are dead energy. Live foods give you vital energy. It is important to notice the foods you choose and when you choose them. When we are vibrating at the lower vibrations of fear, anger and despair, we are more attracted to consuming lower vibration foods that have little life force such as refined or processed food. When we feel alive and inspired, we crave food that shares life force. Raw veggies, whole grains and other unprocessed foods raise or match our higher vibrations.
  3. Before eating, give thanks for the cycle of life. Take a moment to honor all who helped to create the food that is about to nourish your body…the animals, plants and people. Infuse it with love and gratitude. The cycle of life is at work.
  4. Consciously choose who you spend time with. Are your friends or family sarcastic, mocking and cynical or supportive, optimistic and inspiring? How do you feel when you are with them? Do you aspire to be like them or do they leave you feeling lost, angry and in blame?
  5. What information are you consuming? How is the information in the newspaper and on T.V. impacting you? When watching or reading, how are you left feeling? Most often, the news reports problems, negative issues and things to fear. Movies that bring fear will help you remain or attract things to be fearful of. How inspiring is the evening or morning news? Could you trade that for something that feels better?
  6. Spend time in nature. Have you noticed how great you feel after spending time at the ocean, in the mountains or after a rain shower? Fresh air, trees, and water all contribute to an increased flow of oxygen to the brain, resulting in more mental and renewed energy. As air molecules are exposed to sunlight, moving water and air, they create negative ions. Negative ions raise your vibration so you attract a higher vibration of people and experiences.
  7. What music are you listening to? Music can certainly raise or lower your vibration. Notice how you feel when listening to a beautiful or fun piece of music. Have you ever felt like you just had to get away from other types of music? Surround yourself with what feels good!
  8. Spend time moving in your body every day. Movement gets things circulating. It helps to clarify, purify and strengthen your energy and promote physical and mental health. I love to put on some fun music and dance at least once a day! Try it!
  9. Connect with your inner self with quiet time alone. Take time to notice what you feel on a regular basis. Keeping busy, reading, watching T.V. or spending time with others can be a way of numbing out. It’s important to stop every day and check in with YOU. Whether it’s sitting in the sun, going for a walk or writing in your journal, time alone allows you to center and reconnect to yourself again. I share some other favorite ways to do this in a previous article (click here to read).
  10. Clear your clutter. It takes time, focus and commitment to keep up with clutter, but the impact is incredible. Do you remember the last time you cleaned your closet, garage or desk? How did it leave you feeling? (My guess is you probably sneaked a peek at it later that same day so you could get that fine feeling again!)


Take Action Now!

Stop for a moment now and focus your attention on your Inner Feng Shui. Drop into your body and ask yourself, “How am I feeling, in this moment?” On a scale from one to ten, one being the lowest and ten being the highest, what is your frequency in this moment? Are you attracting more of what you desire in your life, or is it the opposite?

  • Stop and notice how you feel at different times of the day.
  • Notice how you feel with different people.
  • When you feel good, what are you doing? What are you thinking? Who are you with?

Take note… who are you being?

Begin to awaken to the impact of your surroundings, thoughts and beliefs.

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts about this article and anything else on your mind. Please leave a comment.


© 2009 Cindy Prosor.

Cindy Prosor, the Inner Feng Shui Guidess, is a writer, teacher, entrepreneur and expert inner-peace coach. Cindy works with others who are ready to turn up the volume of love, inner-peace and abundance in their lives through her private and group mentoring and coaching programs. For more articles like this, please take a look around. While you are here, don’t forget to grab your FREE tips on the 7 Biggest Feng Shui Secrets to Creating Abundance, Better Relationships and Radiant Health.

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