Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!The keyIt’s easy to get caught up in the drama and crises of the world today. In my last issue I offered 7 crucial steps for creating inner peace. I hope it was helpful.

Today on facebook, I asked my friends the question: “What’s your best tip that has made life better/easier?” The result is a selection of infinite wisdom.


  1. Being grateful for everything I have and have experienced. Even when it’s not good you can find something to be grateful for. (Sharon Freeman)
  2. If you look for it, you can find fault with anyone… might as well look for the good in them. You’ll find that, too and you’ll be much happier. (Walter Bunning)
  3. Having insight into my reactions, responses and better ways I can be with some things. Understanding more of what works for me and what doesn’t. Developing healthy boundaries for myself. (Shekinah Worth)
  4. To always try to live my life in compliance with my values. It helps me in everyday decisions. P.S. I did learn that from the best coach ever
    ;-)(Jeanette Juhnestam)
  5. Getting in the hard place that leads on to the better/easier life. (Margaret Gill)
  6. Do the activity…let go of the outcome. (David Brown)
  7. Forgiveness, respect, kindness, compassion, and an honest days work x (Bronwyn Kay)
  8. Love what IS, and know who I REALLY am. (Martin Wilson)
  9. Avoid vexatious people. (Martin Gibson)
  10. Thanks for asking because I’m learning from others and it’s a great reminder. Shifting my perspective. Use it or loose it. See the humanity in others regardless of behavior or appearance. Surround myself with wiser, smarter loving people who help me grow. Assume that my husband is always doing everything to make me happy -so the socks on the floor are no problem. Meditation daily…and so much more. (Melanie DewBerry)
  11. Accepting that living isn’t all about me. That it’s about serving others. (Winnie Anderson)
  12. My personal best tip is to discover who you really are….for me that happens (continually) through prayer and meditation. (Charlene Sims)
  13. Employing a cleaner (Kathy McVey)
  14. Love of self is key. Through self-love I get to a place of acceptance and from there to being able to love others, live a life of gratitude and practice compassion for all who suffer, including me. (Don Moore)
  15. Remember your “higher” self and be kind. (Carolyn Diemer)
  16. Act from pure intent, give your best, and let go of the outcome. (Julie Conover)
  17. Breathe, even when I don’t feel like it. (Becky Cushman)
  18. Awareness, gratitude, self compassion – a lifecoach x (Rose Tombleson)
  19. ”Most people are neither for you nor against you; they are merely thinking of themselves”. Very humbling. “What others think of you is none of your business”, is a similar statement. So don’t get attached the opinions of others, love yourself and put your ‘Self’ first, which enables you to share love with others. (Sandra Louise Walsh)
  20. Reminding myself that regardless of circumstances, I can choose inner peace. (Penelope More)
  21. Let go, let go, let go. (Zan Z. Packard)
  22. Your children are only this age once, slow down, enjoy it, and let them be them. (Paige Ferguson-Allen)
  23. Taking time for myself. (Sue Hnilicka)
  24. Feel the fear…and do it anyway! And, love myself. (Louise Mullard)
  25. De-clutter (Wendy Vita)
  26. Be kind, generous, funny, honest, truthful, candid, hard, soulful, unselfish, giving, with out expectations for ANYTHING in return. (Geoff Leclair)
  27. I use electronic kitchen timers all over the place to keep track of time. That way I don’t get trapped clock-watching. I even carry one in my purse for parking meters and similar events. (Vicky Jo Varner)
  28. Simplify, whenever possible! (Nancy Fiegel)
  29. Learning how to access my inner guidance (My Infinite Self) was the Game Changer – until I could do that, I was just grasping at straws. (Gil Alan)
  30. Equate with truth, love, ecstacy, power and wisdom…. (Fleur Ferris)
  31. Sending love to myself (Therese Rice-Dietrich)
  32. Surf whenever you can!!! (Stephen White)
  33. Fill what’s empty. Empty what’s full. Scratch where it itches”. ~Alice Roosevelt Longworth (Martin Gibson)

Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!

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