Are you ready for more movement in your life? If so, it’s time to move some clutter! Clearing clutter is one of the most powerful things you can do for your life and I talk a bit about this in my 7 Powerful Feng Shui Secrets.

The bottom line here is – clutter is stuck energy. Whenever I coach people who are stuck, I know they have clutter in their home. What you see in your environment is a reflection of what’s going on inside you and vice versa. In other words, outer clutter usually mirrors inner clutter.

ReleaseClutter accumulates when energy stagnates. If you want to get moving in your life, start with clearing your clutter first. This is one of the most therapeutic things you can do for yourself and your family.

The same applies to manifesting anything powerful in your life, especially more joy and freedom. If you are ready to expand, getting rid of your clutter is essential. Joy is a surge of energy and you cannot feel it if your channels are clogged. Freedom is expansive and spacious. You cannot get things moving in your life if you are bogged down with dead energy in your space. Think of clutter as a form of constipation. When you have stuck or dead energy in any spot in your home, it keeps you bogged down.

Time and time again I hear stories from clients sharing their experiences of how removing their clutter impacted their life. My own clutter clearing experience happened six years ago. We took one year to clear the clutter from our family home before moving from California to New Zealand. Taking one room at a time, we tackled such items as old family mementos, grandma’s furniture, shelves of books and toys, as well as many saved items “just in case”. The price of shipping all of our stuff to the other side of the planet was our main motivator, but the impact was more freedom and more expansive, lighter energy, which helped to create powerful new beginnings. The amazing thing is when we arrived, we were ready to let go of even more!

Removing clutter can include:Binders

  • Stacks or boxes of paperwork
  • Unfinished projects and to-do piles and lists
  • Broken items you’ve been meaning to get to
  • Old make-up and medicines
  • Collections
  • Books
  • Other people’s clutter that you are watching for them while they travel (are you really doing you and them a favor?)
  • Car clutter
  • Garage clutter
  • Pantry items such as spices, cans and foodCloset
  • Photos, especially ones your family handed down to you (do you even know those people?)
  • Clothes that don’t fit or you are not wearing
  • Shoes and handbags
  • Art you don’t love
  • Your inbox on your computer
  • Stuff not put in its proper place

Be aware of what you are enhancing!

In Feng Shui, we have certain tools such as mirrors and crystals that enhance or amplify the energy in a room. You can imagine what would happen if you applied an enhancer such as a crystal to a room with hidden clutter? You would actually enhance the clutter or the ‘stuckness’ in your life! It is very important to clear your clutter first before adding any enhancers to your home. You can’t expand good energy until you let go of the energy that is not serving you first.

In fact, applying any and all Feng Shui principles to your environment will have a much stronger effect when you first clear your clutter.

Why do you think it’s more difficult for some people to get rid of their clutter than others? It is my belief that some people will subconsciously keep clutter in order to suppress their own aliveness or numb themselves out. They are actually afraid to get out of their comfort zone to move forward and go into the unknown, so they create and keep clutter as a sort of protection.

If you have a lot of clutter and you find it is difficult to move, just recognizing this will be a powerful first step for you.

Remember, if you want to expand your life, you must first expand your space. Then, slowly begin to add things back into your space that inspire, feed and engage you. Be careful to only add things that express your values and feel good to you.

When you release your old stuff, you are releasing old energy, and by releasing old energy you are making room for new energy or new things to come into your life.

No Clutter!Take Action Now!

Take inventory of the clutter in your home or office. You might want to begin with one room. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What am I holding onto that isn’t serving me anymore?
  • What stuff am I holding onto that might be dragging me down?
  • What could be the impact of lightening my load?

If your clutter has been around for a long time, you might want to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Has this clutter become comfortable for me to live with? Has it become a part of who I am?
  • Is it easier to live with my clutter than to clear it?
  • Do I have a fear of moving forward or a limiting belief that I don’t deserve to?
  • Is my clutter a form of numbing out so I don’t have to feel?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you might want to lovingly and gently get curious here. There is a good chance that your outer clutter is reflecting some sort of inner clutter.

My passion is helping people get positive movement in their life. Please contact me if I can be of assistance to you.

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts about this article and anything else on your mind. Come on over to my blog!

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