It’s time to create more in 2020.
Before jumping in and writing another list of New Year’s goals or resolutions,I suggest you take a moment to review 2019. Make a list of what worked, what didn’t work and what you learned.
Did you accomplish what you expected and in the way you had hoped? Did you cross everything off your annual list of goals? Or, are you disappointed and frustrated with what didn’t happen?
If you have not done so already, I would suggest you read this post, and begin to review your year.
It’s nice to write down your goals and thoughts each year in a book or journal. That way they are easy for you to review each year.
Get out last year’s goals or resolutions, a notebook/journal and pen, and explore the following questions:
- Where was I successful, semi successful or unsuccessful?
- What patterns do I see in my goals connected to whether or not I achieved them?
- How easy was it for me to be with the energies of trust? Was I able to receive and flow with what came easily and naturally verses the patterns and habits connected to worry, attachment, control and force?
- How do I feel after reviewing my goals?
- What did I learn?
After you do this exercise, it’s time to focus on what worked.
Again, with pen and journal in hand, notice what you see. Capture what you discover. Notice your thoughts. Below are a few questions to get you started:
What unexpected surprises showed up for me? Did you meet a new friend or partner, get a raise, move house, have a baby?
What were some peak experiences of 2019? These are your BEST experiences in 2019. Do you see patterns or habits connected to your peak experiences and successes?
What positive impact did I have in 2019? This could be helping a neighbor, volunteering for an organization, doing positive work in the world or happily surprising someone you love.
In November, I wrote about the power of gratitude. Like gratitude, celebration is another way to expand more joy and lightness into your life.
When you look at what you have accomplished over the year (even if it’s small) and celebrate this, it’s important proof you can make things happen.
This will calm your fears and get you reconnected and grounded in possibilities and action.
Which will get you where you want to go and help you to feel grateful again.
Celebration opens and expands your heart, and in that expansion you are able to create more things to celebrate.
This year, learn from and celebrate your achievements and successes. Keep this energy going!
Take time this week to:
- Recognize what is working.
- Acknowledge the impact this has on your life and others. Acknowledge how it feels in your body.
- Celebrate it! Pat yourself on the back. Smile. Be happy.
- Expand this feeling in your body and in turn, it will expand into the world. When you light up, you are lighting up everything around you.
As always, I’d love to hear from you. When you make a choice that has a positive impact on yourself or the world, do you celebrate your success or continue, head down and bum up, with full focus onto your next achievement?
Please let me know by commenting below!
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