Speaking and Teaching in Nelson

Speaking and Teaching in Nelson

A couple of weeks ago, I had the most magical 11 days of my year. Totally by chance, I made time to nurture two of the most important things of my life…my business and myrelationship with my beautiful husband, Larry.

I had said “yes” to an event several months back in Nelson on the South Island. After deciding to drive instead of fly to this event, I invited Larry to assist me. Although New Zealand is a little country, we have no interstate highways or even many straight roads, which makes driving anywhere a journey. This choice to drive with Larry was a very good choice indeed.

Not only did we take three days to drive together complete with two car ferry rides, we added another 6 days to the trip for adventure, romance and fun. I returned home feeling excited about my business AND my relationship with my husband. Both had been nurtured and loved.

The key will be to maintain this balance during the rest of the year. This got me thinking about balance.

In this busy world we live in, how do you manage to do it all while still maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life?

The View From Our Room

The View From Our Room

Balance is not about reaching some ultimate equilibrium. Life is continuously moving and changing, and because of this, we are constantly balancing and rebalancing again. It’s a life of ebb and flow.

Balance is being fully engaged, inspired and alive. Being more fully alive and fulfilled means having the power to make the best choices in each individual moment.

Although we often forget that everything is a choice, each choice impacts our balance and fulfillment. To have a balanced life means to consciously respond to each choice rather than unconsciously reacting. Unconsciously reacting to life creates a feeling of being overwhelmed and stressed.

My Mobile Coaching Room

My Mobile Coaching Room

Having a balanced life means being responsible for our choices and the impact each choice has on the fulfillment of our life. To do this, we must slow things down and insert a pause. And in this pause, get curious.

Below are some questions to help you make a conscious choice: 

• How does this choice feel in my body? Does it feel relaxed, excited and alive or tight, heavy and burdensome?
• What are my options, possibilities and opportunities in this situation?
• What could be another perspective?
• How could this be easy?
• How will this choice impact my life?
• In the bigger scheme of things, how important is this?

How do you create and maintain balance in your life? I invite you to please leave a comment or share your perspective here.

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