I talk a lot about how our inner world creates our outer world, that what we see around us is a reflection of what’s going on inside of us. Our fears and beliefs create our thoughts, our thoughts create our emotions and our emotions create our “reality,” or what we refer to as our “story.”

What is your story?

Do your thoughts play into a powerless story, believing life is hard and unfair? Do you believe you are a failure or a victim of your circumstances? Do you keep the past alive, rehashing how you’ve been wronged and what you should have done, criticizing yourself and others for yesterday’s choices? This is a story of self-pity, martyrdom, victimization and blame.

Others of us are locked in a pattern of overcoming problems … fighting against a scary world and other’s opinions by proving, earning and showing how tough, strong and victorious we are. This may look victorious to a few on the outside, but it only lasts as long as the illusion. How much authentic and lasting peace, hope and trust is within us from this place?

These are both examples of living through the eyes of our negative ego. How does it feel to live your life through these perspectives? What’s it like to spend your life on an endless treadmill of trying to fix or change the past and/or prove your self-worth for a temporary fix of false self-esteem?

Now imagine a powerful story. From this place you claim a life of true reality, through your True Self from within.

From this perspective, you would …

  • Trust in a friendly world, knowing there is plenty to go around.
  • Let go of competing and needing to win and instead ask, “How can I help?”
  • Co-create together, combining your talents and services to have fun and serve more.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others, grateful for what you have instead of resentful for what you don’t.
  • Give and receive from a place of love, compassion and prosperity, just because it feels good.
  • Make conscious choices from your heart, based in love and prosperity, not from your head, based in fear and poverty.

Ask yourself, “What is my story?” Your story is a reflection of what’s going on inside of you. What beliefs, fears, wounds and thoughts are creating your story today?

If you are ready to shift your story or how you perceive your world today, it’s time to go inside … with curiosity, vulnerability, compassion, forgiveness and love. With the proper guidance and regular practice, it’s not difficult to do. I call it “awakening.”

It’s time to awaken and go within.

By the way, there’s a fabulous side-effect when you make this internal shift within your Self and begin to heal. When you begin to heal and shift, the world begins to heal and shift.

Isn’t that what this world could use a little more of right now? It begins with you.

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