Truth be told, with covid, the death of family members, health challenges, and more, it’s been a rough few years for me. These last few months have been especially challenging.
Yet in all of these circumstances, I never lost hope. I have used these recent opportunities to call myself and my work forward…and create miracles along the way.
In January I had a strong call to reach out to you again. I know without a doubt I am here for this exact time in history.
Supporting you through these changing and challenging times is why I am alive today. This is my soul’s work.
We are living through an extraordinary time of change. Around the world, old structures are collapsing, long-hidden truths are surfacing, and uncertainty is everywhere.
Chaos always precedes transformation, and while this transition may feel unsettling and scary, I want to remind you: these things are not happening to you/us, they are actually happening FOR you/us.
This collapsing of the old is inevitable to make room for the new. This pertains to both your life and in the world.
As the old falls away, many will experience fear, anxiety, and even despair. It’s natural to feel the weight of uncertainty, but you are not alone. Covid took a toll on all of us, and now, as the world continues to shift in uncomfortable ways, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Relationships may be strained, jobs lost, and health affected—but amidst this turmoil, there is another way to navigate these times.
More than ever it’s important to remember, what we focus upon we give energy to and in doing so, we create more of the same.
Rather than being consumed by fear and focusing on what we don’t want, we have an opportunity to shift our perspective toward trust and what we do want.
When we take this higher perspective and view the world through the lens of our soul, rather than the fear of our human personality, we can see the greater purpose behind these changes.
You too are here for this exact time in history. Together we are here to co-create something new—not from our human perspective of separation or fear, but from our soul’s perspective of love, trust, unity, and deep connection. First with ourselves, then with the Earth and each other.
Now, more than ever, it’s vital we imagine the world we want to create…for ourselves and for future generations. Now more than ever, it is essential to stay grounded and allow things to unfold from a place of trust.
No matter what is happening around us, I promise you, from a soul’s perspective, it is all going to work out. This is a time for awakening, for stepping into our purpose, for taking responsibility for ourselves and our choices, and for coming together for the good of all.
If you are feeling lost, anxious, or hopeless, please know you don’t have to go through this alone. I am here to support you. I am here for this time, and I am here for you. Please reach out by booking a Chaos to Clarity Session here.
If you know someone who could use this message, please pass this along to them today.
With love and compassion always.

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