I couldn’t let this weekend go by without sending you a quick reminder of the powerful time we are living in.
The Equinox was celebrated last week on the 19th and 20th of March. This equinox represents new beginnings and setting fresh intentions.
The full moon lunar eclipse is on March 25th at 5:53 am New Zealand time and March 24th at 9:53 am PDT. So what does that mean for you?
The full moon at its peak creates a time for pausing and reflecting upon your life. This full moon is good for seeing and acknowledging anything you are ready to release in your life.
This energy is especially powerful due to the lunar eclipse, which is amplifying the energy of this full moon. The eclipse is making the power and impact of this moon more intense. It’s time to let things go!
Knowing this, in today’s newsletter, I am offering a few toxic items that could be holding you back and keeping you stuck from creating the life you long for.
Below are a few toxic habits and patterns for you to review that may be keeping you stuck in feelings of emptiness, loneliness and heaviness in your life.
- Complaining
- Criticizing
- Comparing and judging
- Worrying
- Rehashing the past
- Blaming
- Making excuses
- Gossiping
- Being negative, including negative self-talk
- Cluttered and unhealthy environments
- People in your life you are tolerating
Does anything here sound familiar? The first step to change is to slow things down and notice.
Allow the reflection of this full moon eclipse to shine the light upon what is ready to be released, and let it go.
Journal prompt: Is there anything I’m ready to release during this full moon? (Limiting beliefs, habits, patterns, people, or environments that no longer serve you).
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