creative_1Taking time for creativity brings balance into your life. It honors the feminine energy within you and in doing so balances the masculine doing/action/head based energy we tend to give so much attention to.

You’ll know you’re being creative because you’ll feel inspired and energized as it feeds and nourishes your soul.  When you engage in creativity it’s easy to loose track of time.

Our expression of creativity is unique to us. Writing, painting, collage, sewing, woodworking, dancing, organizing, photography, playing music, flower arranging, doodling or any of the other 1000s of ways to express creativity all bring space and freedom to your daily routine.

I believe, finding a creative outlet for your self-expression is a form of spirituality as it puts you into the present moment. True creativity means not judging the end result but being present in the process.  Creating in this form gives attention to the exploration and fun rather than the final product.

When the focus turns to the end result such as making money, the need to do it right, comparing yourself to others or the need for approval, STOP.  You have found yourself out of the process of creativity and into the pressure of producing and judging.  Not only will it be less fun, it will change the energy of the project and as a result, won’t be as appealing to others.

A few of the benefits of creativity are:

1.  Helps you to ground and center

2.  Solitude

3.  Self expression

4.  Joy and Delight

5.  Inner peace

6.  Freedom

7.  Present moment awareness

8.  Exploration and fun

9.  Beauty

10. Satisfaction and fulfillment

11. Inspires and energizes

Yet, we only have 24-hours in a day.  When we say “yes” to one thing, we must also say “no” to another. Allow creativity to replace some of the mundane and less important tasks you spend time doing each day.  Busy work not only zaps your time but depletes your energy and joy.

Weeding out “time clutter” to make room for creativity is a daily process that takes practice.  Below are some questions to ask yourself.

Where do I feel out of balance?

  • What am I taking too seriously in my life that could be loosened up and enjoyed more?
  • What will I eliminate this week to make room for a creative project?
  • What inspires me?
  • What is an expression of my creativity that I can do just for the sake of exploration and fun?

This week, take time to be inspired with a creative project…just for the fun and joy of doing it!

I’d love to know your thoughts.  What do you do to inspire your creativity?

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