2010 As we complete another calendar year, I offer some questions for reflection to clear the space for new beginnings. I suggest you take a few minutes now to ask yourself the following questions. You might want to write about these in your journal or notebook so you can look back on them one year from now to recognize your accomplishments.

  • You have become many things this year. It’s important to celebrate successes as this expands the energy to create more successes. What are your celebrations, successes, joys and milestones of 2009? What about 2009 makes you most proud? What do you want to celebrate?
  • What were your disappointments, frustrations and challenges? What did you learn about yourself and your life this year?
  • What unfinished business do you still have? This could be in the form of people to talk to, projects to complete, problems to resolve or clutter. Ask yourself: Who and what do I need to forgive (this could be yourself)?
  • To make this your best year ever, it’s vital to recognize what’s holding you back from creating the life you desire. What fears, resentments or limiting beliefs do I want to release to allow my dreams and wishes to come true in 2010?
  • What are your desires, dreams and wishes for 2010? Remember, desire, imagination and expectation (without attachment) are your best tools for manifesting your life.

I suggest you list nine intentions for 2010, one in each of the following areas:

  1. Money
  2. Health
  3. Friends
  4. Family
  5. Romance/Significant other
  6. Fun and recreation
  7. Physical environment
  8. Career
  9. Personal Growth/Spirituality


heart-words As always, spend time each day reading over your intentions. Take at least 10 minutes engaging all of your senses, imagining the life you see in your future. Trust “This or something better, with harm to none” is on its way. And so it is.




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