Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!

Do you ever wonder why goal setting is often unsuccessful? You know, those first of the year aspirations that we so enthusiastically claim as ours.

It’s because it’s not necessarily what you do that gets you where you want to be. It’s actually who you are that creates your reality.

We’ve been taught to work hard for what we want. We succeed by setting goals and trying to make it happen, but at a price. That price often includes struggle, frustration, disappointment, stress and disease.

  • If it’s a partner we desire, we think we have to get out there, look for, impress them, and win them over.
  • If it is more money we are after, we are taught to work harder, earn and prove we are worthy of a pay raise or a higher salary.
  • The same thing goes for weight loss. That’s the biggest reason why diets just don’t work.

All of these things live in our head. And so does that saboteur that keeps us from our dreams! It’s called the negative EGO.

What’s holding you back from BEING the person who has the partner, the income or the body? It’s not because you aren’t working hard enough.

Ask yourself, “What do I need to let go of to get from where I am today to where I want to be? What part of me needs to change?

This can take the form of excuses, self-pity, blaming others, or a subconscious belief or fear we are not even conscious of. Examples of subconscious limiting beliefs are: Rich people are greedy, Money is evil, I’m not pretty/smart/talented enough, or I need someone to take care of me. These beliefs are a part of your subconscious mind. Chances are, you’ve held onto them for a long time. They have actually become a part you and there’s a good chance you’re unaware of it.

I’m not going into the reasons why we do this, that’s another article, most of us have a BIG INTERNAL BLOCK that’s holding us back from the life we desire.

What have YOU been struggling with over and over again in YOUR life? Is it a loving relationship, a healthy body or financial security?

Ask yourself, “What belief, excuse or habit is holding me back from where I want to be?” Find it, heal it and let it go. Hint: It’s helpful to do this exercise with a trained professional or someone who knows you well as it’s much more difficult to see this for yourself.

The more you recognize and accept what is holding you back, the easier it is to heal and release it.

Ask yourself, “Who am I becoming and how will it feel when I am living this preferred life?” Step into your future. Imagine already being there! Engage your senses … feel, hear, see, smell and taste it. Do this for 5-10 minutes every morning before you begin your day.

Once you step into that role in your imagination you begin to behave like that person — expecting results and attracting that which you desire.

From here, the details take care of themselves.

You still have to do the work, but what you do comes naturally to the person you are “being.” It all flows from there.

Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!

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