The Hard Way or The Easy Way?Do you ever wonder why goal setting is often unsuccessful? You know, those first of the year aspirations that we so enthusiastically claim as ours.

It’s because it’s not necessarily what you need to do that gets you where you want to be. It’s actually who you are that creates your reality.

We’ve been taught to work hard for what we want. We succeed by setting goals and trying to make it happen, but at a price. That price often includes struggle, frustration, disappointment, stress and disease.

  • If it’s a partner we desire, we think we have to get out there, look for and impress them – win them over.
  • If it is more money we are after, we are taught to work harder – prove we are worthy of a pay raise or a higher salary.
  • The same thing goes for weight loss. That’s the biggest reason why diets just don’t work.

All of these things live in our head. And so does that saboteur that keeps us from our dreams! It’s called our EGO.

So, stop working so hard and instead, BE the person who has the partner or the income. Ask yourself, “What do I need to let go of, to get to where I want to be?” This can take the form of excuses, self pity, procrastination, and blaming others. Then ask yourself, “How will it feel when I am living this preferred life?” In other words, step into your future self. Imagine you are already there!

Once you get clear with who you need to BE, you begin to do what you need to do and attract that which you desire. It really does take care of itself. You still have to do the work, but what you have to do comes naturally to the person you are being and the work actually becomes your joy.

Take Action Now!

What is it that you desire? Get clear and then ask yourself these questions:

1. What am I ready to let go of?

2. Who am I ready to become?

Then, actually feel yourself being that person today.

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts about this article and anything else on your mind.


© 2009 Cindy Prosor.

Cindy Prosor, the Inner Feng Shui Guidess, is a writer, teacher, entrepreneur and expert inner-peace coach. Cindy works with others who are ready to turn up the volume of love, inner-peace and abundance in their lives through her private and group mentoring and coaching programs. For more articles like this, please take a look around. While you are here, don’t forget to grab your FREE tips on the 7 Biggest Feng Shui Secrets to Creating Abundance, Better Relationships and Radiant Health.

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