Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!There used to be spaces in life that were sacred: walking along a beach, hiking in the mountains, traveling on planes, being in the bathroom or in bed even. Places you had space to BE, and the space to check in with yourself and hear those still, small voices that guide you and keep you true to yourself.

Do you remember those days?

Now there’s televisions in the bedroom, cell phones or an iPad beside the bed, and most people are reachable on the beach, in the mountains and in their most intimate moments!

To have sacred time for yourself, space to nourish yourself and your creativity, the opportunity to hear your intuition and stay true to yourself today, takes a deliberate act. For most, it needs to be scheduled into a calendar.

You are likely busy, busy, busy. And, it does take courage to step into the unknown. Who knows what you will discover!? But at the same time you know it is so worth it! You remember what it’s like to discover YOU.

The fastest and easiest way to reconnect with YOU, is with a guide. Someone who provides structure and focus and creates a safe environment for your journey. You get to unplug, knowing you are not alone, and that everything is taken care of. It’s the ultimate gift to your self. The ultimate gift to request from those who love you, because it’s like being wrapped in a big warm fluffy blanket by the fire on a cold wintry night – you will feel nurtured, nourished and be supported to open to the magnificence of who you really are. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

And this is just what a retreat gives you.

Here are 7 reasons you really need to include regular retreats in your schedule.

To retreat is committing to a time and place to officially STOP the day-to-day business of your life. Taking care of others, adding and checking things from your “to-do” list, answering the phone, being on the computer may all help to make your life complete, yet these things are also keeping you from that deeper voice and connection that is calling to you every day.

Saying “yes” to a retreat is committing to an actual event where you give full attention to you, with focused activities designed to explore, experience and nurture your true Self. As you do, you begin to awaken to the impact it’s been having on you and your life by staying busy (and distracted) and NOT making time to go within to reunite with your inner-Self. Your retreat allows you to awaken to the more “real”, as you begin to understand how true happiness is actually an inside job.

For most people, it’s difficult to make the time to stop and go within, even for just 30 minutes a day. By committing to a retreat, you are saying “yes” to that part of you who is patiently waiting to go within. When you actually set an intention and make a commitment to reconnect with your inner world, “magic” begins to happen. Things begin to fall into place, doors open for you and just the right people appear.

When you carve out specific time to reconnect to your feminine energies you add richness to your life that helps you feel complete. You feel grounded and centered and connected. When you retreat, you are able to find your true essence from a place of empowered feminine energy. Honoring yourself from this place, you are able to make choices that are authentic and powerful. Choices that are right for you. And when you make choices that are authentically right for you, everyone and everything around you will be positively impacted. You actually return a changed person.

By unplugging and being with a group of powerful women, you are surrounded by the powerful energy of those who see you for who you truly are. They do not know the stories you’ve told yourself about what is not possible for you. They see you as the magnificent woman you are. You recognize yourself in them. You start to remember who you really are.

By removing yourself from your usual environment, you put yourself in a space of possibility. No matter how loving your friends and families are, they are not always supportive of you making changes, you going for more joy, fulfillment, magic and self-expression. In addition, the energy patterns in your environment hold you in a certain way of be-ing. When you step into the sacred space of a retreat environment, changes and making choices that support living your life more fully, are made easier.

When you participate in a guided retreat, with all the richness of a journey designed to bring out your brilliance, you have the opportunity realign with who you really are. It is so easy to feel off track or lost and not know what you are here to do. A retreat will give you that place to rest. That place to explore where you want to go from here!
Are you waiting for the call to step forward to reclaim your divine feminine power and reconnect to your soul? If so, it’s time to retreat. Know that whenever you make a move that’s for your highest good, the Universe steps in to support you … and magic happens. You do not need to know HOW it will happen.

First, you need to heed the call to adventure.

YOU are invited to join us at a 5-day retreat in New Zealand, in March 2012. What better way to begin this most powerful of years? Please come check it out at If you have any questions at all, please contact me at [email protected]. I’d love to talk with you about whether this is the right thing for you, and how you can make it happen easily.

I’m excited. Is this YOUR time?

Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!

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