“Waking up this morning, I smile.
Twenty-four brand new hours are before me.
I vow to live fully in each moment
and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.”
—Thich Nhat Hanh
I have been touched by your open and heart-felt responses to my last blog. Thank you to those who responded and shared so deeply. I’m learning when I am able to authentically open my heart, it gives you permission to do the same.
I believe much of the world is hungry for more authenticity, compassion and connection.
Your ego wants you to see yourself as separate. Some examples of separation are comparing, judging, fearing, pleasing, hiding and blaming. Emotions triggered are abandonment, rejection, betrayal, shame, worry, jealousy, pity and guilt. Do any of these sound familiar?
Your head/ego and it’s stories keep you stuck, spinning in struggle and the fear of being alone and not being enough. These stories are based on past experiences/wounds and future illusions that are not even true. They become your story and your story becomes your life.
For most, these same old negative patterns and stories have been repeated over lifetimes. Before you came into this lifetime, you set the stage and arranged the players (your greatest teachers) to help you receive the gift of Self Love. Now presented with your experience, it’s giving you the platform to awaken to your greatest truth. The truth that you are never alone and love is within you always. You are love.
The first step to seeing this is by recognizing your story and acknowledging how it’s keeping you separate and alone. I refer to this as your blind spot. With this present moment awareness, you can slow everything down, pull the story apart and look at the wound with it’s belief and fear associated with it.
If you can get to the root of your story/blind spot…the root of your separation, shame and pain, and replace it with love, compassion and forgiveness, like a weed, you pull it from its root and free yourself and all others concerned.
The more you recognize, acknowledge, forgive and release, the freer and lighter you become. You let go of feelings of separation and loneliness and your heart opens, allowing you to receive even greater amounts of love, compassion, connection and grace.
We MUST shine our light onto our pain and shame for us to be free.
Once you connect with your pain and this story from the past, one way to release it is with a Forgiveness Decree. Decrees are the most powerful form of statement to the Universe. This decree releases all that prevents your heart from opening.
The Forgiveness Decree
With a decree, you are making a command. It is important to be fully committed. Stand straight with your shoulders back, head high and make your decree aloud. You say your decree three times, followed by ‘So be it. It is done.’
I forgive everyone who has ever hurt or harmed me, consciously or unconsciously, in this lifetime or any other, in this universe, dimension, plane or level of existence or any other. I offer them grace.
I ask forgiveness for everything I have ever done to hurt or harm another, consciously or unconsciously, in this lifetime or any other, in this universe, dimension, plane or level of existence or any other. I ask for grace.
I forgive myself for everything I have ever done to hurt or harm another, consciously or unconsciously, in this lifetime or any other, in this universe, dimension, plane or level of existence or any other. I accept grace.
I am free. All chains and restrictions fall from me. I stand in my full power as a master.
Repeat 3 times
So be it. It is done.
(Acknowledgement: Diana Cooper)
True forgiveness releases constriction and pain and creates an expansive and open heart. An expansive and open heart = freedom. Only when you have an expansive and open heart may you truly receive the loving connections you desire and that desire you.
Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!
P.S. What part of you is hungry for more compassion, connection and love? Who are your “greatest teachers” and what is the story you keep telling yourself and the world that’s keeping you stuck in pain and separation? I’d love to know.
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