1. Hold the door
2. Put down the toilet seat
3. Let go of an old grudge
4. Participate in a charitable cause or race
5. Donate blood
6. Read to a child
7. Tell someone you love them
8. Phone your mother
9. Tell a joke
10. Wash the dishes for your family
11. Rub someone’s shoulders
12. Pay the toll for the person behind you
13. Let your spouse sleep in
14. Write a note to someone you care about
15. Look at a stranger in the eye and smile warmly
16. Take your child for ice cream or your parent for lunch
17. Give a complement
18. Pray for a friend
19. Give your full attention to your family tonight
20. Mentor a colleague who is new to your field
21. Send a thank you card to someone you are grateful for
22. Complement someone who’s struggling
23. Ask how you can help
24. Thank your bank teller for all she does
25. Pass on some good news
26. Leave a nice tip with a note
27. Include someone new at a social gathering this weekend
28. Call a friend you have not talked to in a while
29. Spend time with an elderly person
30. Rescue an animal from a shelter
31. Pick up trash when you see it
32. Tell your kids how much you love them
33. Acknowledge something you appreciate about your partner
34. Choose to be an organ donor
35. Kick a bad habit
36. Plant a tree
37. Take a meal to an elderly neighbor
38. Look in the mirror and tell yourself five things you are grateful for
39. Laugh out loud
40. Forgive yourself

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