Are you ever low on energy?

Do you tend to get head or stomach aches?

How about allergies?

In most of the western world — since we were young — we’ve been led to the doctor when we’re not feeling well. Over the years we’ve been programmed to believe the doctor and her prescriptions will cure us. But is this true?

In my experience, outside of physical trauma, my body responds best when I listen to my own inner-wisdom and make my shifts from within.

Remember, we are all energy. Working with your energy or inner Feng Shui means clearing, unblocking and detoxifying the energy inside you.

Here are 9 tips to help you do this:

1. First, listen to your body. How do you feel? What is your body trying to tell you? It’s there for a reason. It’s trying to tell you something. Don’t just wish it away. Thank it for its message and listen.
2. Follow your gut. What do you know to be true? Are you doing something because you “should” rather than what’s best for you? Are you ignoring or numbing out from something or someone in your life? What feels uncomfortable? What are you avoiding? What doesn’t feel “right”? Get curious. Go within and listen to what wants to be heard.
3. What is it time to let go of? Have you been arguing or defending your opinion to someone who won’t listen? Are you unwittingly carrying someone’s painful energy in a well-intentioned desire to be helpful? Have you been hanging out with negative energy of any sort, such as belittling sarcasm, intense competition or substance abuse? It might be time to create boundaries or let go of certain “friends” and relatives.
4. Get outside. Clear your mind with nature. Even if you live in the city, find a tree on the sidewalk, and lean against it. Feel its energy. Notice the birds and anything else around. Become one with nature.
5. Get some exercise. Inhale deeply, and exhale all the stored toxic energy within you. As you exhale, see and feel the toxins leaving your body. Replace them with clean, clear vibrant energy with each full inhale.
6. Maybe it’s time for a yoga or dance class, massage, acupuncture or chiropractic treatment to help you shift some energy.
7. Release some emotion. Have you stuffed anger or rage because you are afraid of what you might do if it comes out? Do you have deep sadness that wants to be released? Safely releasing clean emotion (detaching from the story and not dumping this energy on or at someone) will actually make room for another emotion to take its place. There is great freedom here! Begin to feel. Let it go and let it flow. You will feel much lighter.
8. What you put into your body (energy) has an effect on your overall energy. Are you drinking lots of clean water? What about soda pop, diet drinks and alcohol? Look at your diet. Does it consist of live foods (fruits, whole grains and veggies), or do you crave processed dead foods (think of anything that sits in the center shelves of the grocery store)? Food based vitamins, herbs and supplements can be another valuable way to support your body.
9. Notice how you judge yourself and others. Do you compare yourself, beating yourself up for not being enough? Do you replay the past over and over in your mind? Do you look at all the things you are not, instead of your gifts and talents? What would it be like to unconditionally love yourself? Even the uncomfortable parts, like the pain and exhaustion. I challenge you to not judge the fat on your body, the divorce with your ex or the fight you had with your son. Begin to feel compassion, for yourself and for your world.

We are all connected. When we turn on each other, we are turning on our selves. An example of this is what goes on with an oil spill in the sea. We may not be immediately affected by it at the time, but I promise you it will affect you in many ways in the future. When the sea gets sick, the world gets sick. When the world gets sick it affects us all. The same thing goes with mankind. When one is hurting, it affects us all. Stop trying to prove, earn, be right, better than or win. Those energies are actually what are contributing to your exhaustion and pain.

All of these tips are important for optimal health and vitality. You know your body and lifestyle better than anyone else. Tap into the wisdom of your inner Feng Shui and make changes from that wise place within.

Next issue, I will share many useful Feng Shui tips for inside your home that will help increase your health and vitality.

©2010 Cindy Prosor

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