It’s time again for new beginnings. I like to think of the New Year as an unplanted garden and a fresh start to new life. What do you want to grow this year? The perfect job? Your beloved? A family? A new adventure?

As with any garden, before planting new seeds it’s important to prepare and nourish the soil.Below are 9 important aspects for you to consider right now, to make sure 2013 is a bountiful and beautiful year.

  1. Acknowledge and celebrate your successes in 2012. Acknowledging success creates and expands energy and opportunities for more success. Stop now and reflect on what you have done and who you have become over the last 12 months. Celebrate!
  2. Complete unfinished business. Is there a grudge you’re still holding on to? Let it go. A project to complete? Unpaid bills or money owed? Have you promised someone something and not followed through? These things WILL drag you down in 2013. Take care of them today!
  3. Stop tolerating. This could be a job you do not like, verbal abuse from someone you live with, people in your life, clutter, a messy home or office, or as simple as a squeaky door. What’s the impact this is having on your happiness and your health? It is time to address that unhealthy habit, person or environment. What boundaries are you ready to create in 2013?
  4. Take time for fun. When was the last time you did something just for the fun of it? What is fun for you? What is the price of not making time for fun?
  5. Witness beauty. Beauty connects you to your spirituality and brings you joy. Surround yourself with beautiful things and beautiful people.
  6. What’s your story? Do you hold on to the past, resenting people, family and experiences or believe everyone and everything is in your life and is happening for a reason? Try seeing your life through a spiritual lens. See others as teachers and uncomfortable experiences as opportunities to learn about yourself. It’s time to let go of that small story and think GREAT story.
  7. What do you believe? Do you see the DARK side or the BRIGHT side of a situation? It’s time to let go of your idea that there’s not enough time, money’s hard to come by and life is hard. No matter your belief, you’re right, so choose wisely. Remember, it’s all in your perspective.
  8. Let go of drama. You are not a victim of anything. Stop blaming, defending, worrying, being jealous/envious and feeling sorry for yourself. Take personal responsibility for your part in every situation.
  9. Feel your authentic emotions. Remember, you are your emotions. Your emotions create your resonance or energy. Feel and release your heavier emotions such as sadness and anger. Feel and expand your lighter emotions such as happiness, optimism and gratitude.

I suggest you take some time for yourself today to reflect on each of the above. To get the most from this exercise, it’s helpful to write about them in a journal or talk through them with a friend.

What end of the year rituals do you participate in each year?  I’d love to know.  Please share them with me here.Image


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