Beautiful Friends,
I’ve missed you! I’ve just returned from three beautiful months in the U.S…California, Montana and Colorado.
Most of this time I was unplugged, reconnecting to loved-ones and my beloved Sierra Nevada with its mountains, wild flowers and lakes. I also spent time working on the next chapter of my business with my business coach. These three months have been soul feeding.
Now that we’re back in New Zealand, my soul has called me to leave our beautiful home and retreat center in Gisborne and move to a larger population to reach more people with my work…something I am very passionate about.
We have sold our home and will be creating our next chapter over the next year. It’s a big, bold move, for sure!

What is your soul calling you to do?

There is a big difference between doing what’s important for you as a good parent, employee/employer, partner, or friend. It’s another thing to follow your soul’s calling.
When honoring your soul’s calling, a “knowing” comes through your body and a deep joy develops in your heart. Your “shoulds” disappear and possibilities and divinely led opportunities emerge. Doors miraculously open and people appear. Passion and purpose propel you forward.

It takes courage and trust to feed your soul and respond to it’s calling.  Yet, the price you pay for playing safe and small can lead to boredom, anxiety, lack of focus, purpose and meaning in your life.

Below are seven ways you know you are living in alignment with your soul’s calling:
  1. You lose track of time. You become fully in the present moment. It’s as though you forget what you’re doing and you become the activity. Time stands still.
  1. You have big rushes of gratitude throughout your day.
  1. You don’t care what people think about what you’re doing or how you are doing it.
  1. “Miracles” happen, the “right” people appear and things fall into place.
  1. As it all comes together, you are able to receive things like love, deep and intimate connections, ideal clients and opportunities from an open and grateful heart. Prosperity of all kinds, including money, appear.
  1. Your health improves. Headaches disappear.  You have more energy. Miraculous healing occurs.
  1. Your senses expand. Colors become brighter. Smells become sweeter. You fully feel and embrace a sunset, the caress of a loved one, the laughter of a child, a warm breeze on your face.

Are you ready to call yourself forth to greater happiness and love?

  1. Get clear with what you long for? What is your soul calling you to do or be? What are you passionate about? Make two lists:
  • List #1 is of small things, like dancing, singing, trying a new recipe or creating art.
  • List #2 is of life changing things, like moving country or changing career. What have you always wanted to do but were too afraid?
  1. Now, make a third list of all the reasons (excuses) why you don’t. Lack of time, money, support, information and energy may seem real, but they are only excuses, often based in fear. If your life depended on it, you could make this happen. What are your excuses? Be honest with yourself. Write them all down. Notice when they keep you from moving forward and how that impacts your life.
  1. Do one small thing on list #1 for at least 10-15 minutes each day.
  1. Do something on your list for a whole day or a weekend once a month or so.
  1. Now seriously consider the life-changing list. How are you going to feel 10 years from now if you don’t do this thing? How could your whole life change if you do? What is the price you are paying by playing safe and small? What do you need to let go of to say “yes”?

To live a truly fulfilling life, filled with love and joy, you must become intimate with your fears, beliefs and excuses. We all have them. Notice yours, and acknowledge the impact these are having on your life.

Then, courageously follow your soul’s calling by taking action. Let your soul lead the way.

I’d love to know your thoughts and experience on this. What is it your soul is calling you to do or be? What are your excuses that keep you from this? How does it affect you when you follow or don’t follow your souls calling? Hop on over to my blog…that’s where the conversation is happening. I’d love to interact with you.
I’ll be back again later this month.  Until then, remember everything is temporary. So embrace this moment as if it were a gift…because it is.
With love and magic,img_2789
Cindy Powers Prosor CPCC
The Happy Heart Mentor
Professional Coach, Teacher, Speaker & Author
Nothing changes until you do

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