Articles To Inspire You

Are You Blocking Love by Being Selfish?

Many of us were taught at an early age to “unselfishly” put others needs before our own. Many of our mothers especially, dedicated their lives to their families, volunteering for committees, and taking care of others, seldom stopping to notice their own needs, in fear...

Prayer by Belleruth Naparstek

Prayer Just give me this: A rinsing out, a cleansing free Of all my smaller strivings So I can be the class act God intended, True to my purpose, All my energy aligned behind my deepest intention. And just this: A quieting down, A clearing away of internal ruckus, So...

Love Yourself, Love Your Life

Do you desire a deeper connection with more people in your life? For love to flow through you, it must come from within you. You cannot give and receive loving energy unless you first have it within. Finding love MUST begin with loving yourself. Below are three...

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is an attitude we cultivate with practice. It’s a tangible force. Think of it as a muscle we develop over time. The more you use it the stronger it gets. It is one thing to be grateful for things that feel good and are already creating and generating...

A Natural You

For as long as I remember, I have been attracted to nature. I have been drawn to picnics, lazing in the park and cloud watching. Sleeping outside at our family's lakeside cabin, I enjoy waking at dawn just as the stars are disappearing and the birds begin to sing....

Trust Your Inner Wisdom

Would you like access to one of the most powerful tools I use in my coaching and in my life? What is it, you may ask? Intuition. Intuition brings clarity, fluidity, answers and information, and a magical knowing that is often connected with miracles. Although most of...

Are You Standing In Your Own Way?

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have a charmed life? Maybe it’s lasting love, plenty of money or a successful business. Maybe they are just happy for no reason at all. Yet no matter how hard you try, when it comes to certain things in your life, you seem...

Find Happiness: Live YOUR Life

My client Debbie couldn’t understand why she didn’t feel happy. Although she had what looked like the perfect life from the outside, she was hurting and confused on the inside. Debbie went to college and got a degree for her parents. Next, she married her high school...

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