Articles To Inspire You

Be Honest – How ARE You???

Be Honest – How ARE You???

How are you doing out there?? ARE you? Be honest. It’s okay to be freaking out a little. You’re get all of your emotions, not just the ones that feel good. Fully feeling all of your emotions is actually a pathway to greater peace. If you’re...

Viruses Are Contagious. So Is Panic

Viruses Are Contagious. So Is Panic

Viruses are contagious but so is panic. I’ve been sharing for months how 2020 is the beginning of BIG changes for all of us and the planet. Can you see this happening? Chaos precedes change and change is uncomfortable. The unknown can be scary. Last week I shared why...

Would You Like To Quiet The Voice In Your Head?

Would You Like To Quiet The Voice In Your Head?

Do you have an overactive voice in your head much of your day? Does it tend to replay the past, worry about the future and think, “If only this or that would change in my life, then I’d be happy”? Don’t get me wrong...I believe your head is important for navigating...

Ignite Your Love Checklist For You

Ignite Your Love Checklist For You

My life purpose is creating more love in the world. It took me a l-o-n-g time to come out of the “love closet” so to speak, and fully claim this as my soul’s purpose. I’ve been referred to as “Cindy Love”, “The Love Goddess” and “The Intuitive Heart Guide”. Since I...

A Note of Gratitude

A Note of Gratitude

Have you ever written a note of gratitude? Monumental chaos proceeds monumental change. The world is changing. During these changing times, it’s more important than ever to lean into trust, joy and gratitude. Gratitude opens our hearts to more love, compassion and...

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