A Personal Note from Cindy

Cindy ProsorI just purchased our tickets to the U.S. for June and July. I am so looking forward to enjoying another summer in California. For me that means quality time spent with our daughter and my mother, attending my aunt’s 90th birthday with my cousins, reconnecting with my college friends and girlfriends and living 6 weeks on the lake soaking up the warm weather, our long lazy days and the lifestyle it brings. This year both of our kids will be together with us at the lake for the first time in 8 years. I’m really excited!

Yet, I have 8 weeks here in New Zealand before we leave. I love my time here, yet I can’t wait to get my arms around my daughter and enjoy summer at the lake.

Do you ever wish time would pass so you could get to the warmer days, love-filled moments or fun times ahead?

We know our days are numbered, yet it’s easy to take them for granted. It’s almost like we fall asleep believing our day-to-day life as we know it will go on forever. We think we have plenty of time. But do we?

Often, it’s not until we lose a loved one or discover we are sick and dying that we focus on making the most of every moment we have here. Why does it take an event this big to remind us of how precious each day is?

Losing track of time on the internet, forgetting to check in with friends, or not stopping to give grace for the food on our table and my strong healthy body are a few of the ways I, too, can take my beautiful life for granted.

In this moment right now, I encourage you to remember, today is as precious as a sunrise yet melting as quickly as a snowflake.

Fill your heart with gratitude, love and joy and celebrate your life right now.

With much love and gratitude for you,

Cindy signature




Gratitude MagnetHow to Be a Gratitude Magnet

One of the turning points in my life was when I was learning to tree-ski through powder snow. I loved the freedom of skiing down a groomed run and wanted to experience the exhilaration of powder skiing through a forest of trees. The thought of getting hurt, however, became quite threatening and scary.

After loading the chairlift for another try, I explained to my ski teacher how I was feeling as I skied down the steep tree-lined slope.

“I feel like I’m going to ski right into a tree, and I’m afraid I’m going to get hurt,” I explained.

“The secret is to keep your eyes on the spaces between the trees, not on the trees,” he replied.“Look to where you are going, not where you don’t want to go.”

Sure enough, as soon as I took my focus off the trees and looked at the spaces between the trees, it was like a magnet pulled me through with effortless ease.

That is exactly the same with life. We get discouraged and frustrated with the many obstacles in our way. We fear the worst. Yet, we must remember, we are drawn to what we give attention to.

When you focus on your problems and what is NOT working, you get more of the same. Instead, it’s important to focus on what you desire or on the solution.

Below are two ways to use this principle in your life.

* Give attention to what you want in life, not to what you don’t want. True story: Before going into a store, almost boastfully, both my grandmother and mother used to declare whatever they were looking for would be not be available. Of course, we were never surprised when 9 times out of 10 they were right. From that experience, I have claimed the opposite to be true. I know I will find exactly what I need in life and yes, 9 out of 10 times I do. And when I don’t, I trust something better is on its way.

* When making a comment or requesting something from someone, state what you desire, not what you don’t desire. For example, when your son is driving long distance late at night, suggest “Drive carefully” instead of “Don’t get hurt.”

As you ski down the hill of life, get clear with what you desire and imagine being THERE. See and feel it happening. Let go of trying to control it or your circumstances and let it flow. As you begin to flow, you feel a great sense of gratitude.

When you are in gratitude, like a magnet, you attract and create more things to be grateful for.

Try this:

  1. Notice when you focus on what you don’t want. This could be giving attention to a problem, a negative person or a fear of what could happen.
  2. Stop and turn it around. Instead, imagine what you do want. See and feel the desired outcome. You don’t have to know how it is going to happen. Just know it will.
  3. State your requests and desires to yourself and others in a positive format.
  4. Take time each day to give gratitude for what’s going right in your life. This can be when you first wake up, before a meal, or before you go to sleep at night. Give thanks for all you can.

Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!

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