I believe if you want to learn something, teach it.
On Monday I wrote a newsletter for you that was filled with lots of powerful information around harnessing the eclipse energy we are experiencing this week. It was really good and it was really full.
When I returned to it the next morning, I intuitively knew it had way too much information to share with most of you. I realized I wrote these ten points down because I wanted to focus on practicing them myself.
I ended up sending it to a few of my long-term clients who I knew could consume it all, and left my office for lunch with Larry.
As I sat down to eat, “magic” started happening. This is because I was fully focused on this powerful information during this potent, energetic time!
So today, instead of giving you a list of the 10 things to practice this week, I’m going to share my personal story, and what can happen when you follow just a couple of these suggestions in my list.
So here’s my story…
Our daughter and family are coming to visit from the U.S. to New Zealand for most of December, including Christmas. You can
imagine how excited we are to host them since it’s been almost 5 years (and two children later) since they have been here.
Since our son and his wife have just had a new baby too, we will have two new babies and one four year old with us for four weeks. It occurred to me over the weekend we will need cribs and beds and strollers and nursing equipment, car seats and toys, books and a bike. And, that’s before Christmas!
I immediately got to “work” by setting an intention, imagining all items arriving quickly, easily and graciously. Then this morning, I had a very subtle, intuitive message to contact a friend who lives about four hours away to ask if she could help. Although this friend is dear to my heart, I only speak to her maybe once or twice a year. And, she lives a four-hour drive away.
I know not to question my intuition. I graciously sent her a text telling her of my situation and asking if she could help.
Within minutes, she introduced me to and explained my situation to her daughter-in-law, who lives 30-minutes from our home. By lunchtime, I had received a message that everything I was looking for and more was to be delivered to us within a week…three weeks before our family arrives.
So what specifically did I do to consciously magnetize these items to me?
I got clear with my intention and felt into my desired future. I imagined everything coming to us with ease while feeling the abundance, gratitude and joy within me.
I asked for guidance and sat quietly, feeling into any messages. I asked, “What do I need to know or do to get from where I am today to where I want to be?”
As with me, this guidance can be your subtle, intuitive voice within. Or, it can come in the form of specific people, music, words, numbers and “coincidences”, for example. You’ll know if it’s meant for you by how it feels.
Trusting in the message, I took positive action toward my desired future. When I heard the subtle voice within me, instead of listening to my head and it’s excuses (“I don’t want to bother her or sound pushy, greedy or needy”), I trusted my inner voice and made the request from my heart.
It’s the half-way point in this powerful eclipse. Our superpowers are more potent than ever this week! How well have you been working with the Eclipse energy each day?
If you find your intuition is supercharged right now and you’re able to sense something nudging within you, be curious and listen to its messages. Trust this subtle yet very informative inner knowing and follow it by taking action on what you are receiving.
Lean into trust and focus on your positive intentions daily. Listen and watch for messages and opportunities opening. Then, act on them.
I am here to help give birth to this new way of being. Three spots have opened in my private practice. If you would like support, please reach out.
We are not meant to do this alone.
Would you like to find out more? Book your Breakthrough Session with me here (LINK TO BREAKTHROUGH SESSION – https://cindypowersprosor.com/breakthrough-session/)
I am grateful for clients like Brittany…
“After working with Cindy, I feel excited about where I am and for the future, even though I don’t know what that future looks like. The fears of the unknown have shifted into opportunities…I’m so happy to live in each moment and trust.
That is a huge shift for me. I used to beg for control in every situation and now I trust in the process. I know I have my own back. And I’m confident. I have a confidence I don’t remember ever having before.”
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