Cindy Powers Prosor

I have a question for you today: Are you aware of your impact?

I imagine you’ve noticed the fear and separation trying to happen within our current narrative. Fear is one of the worst things for your immune system. Not only that, what you give attention to expands, so fear and worry are seeding a future you do not want. 

Righteousness, hate, judgement, blame and other constricting me-against-you stories create separation and division.

I believe what the world needs today is deeper connection, better listening, more compassion, trust, love and joy.

The other day I was on a bike ride when I realised one of the reasons why I love to get out is not only to get exercise or to enjoy nature but because it brings me so much joy.    

Depending on how much time I have, I can ride all around our peninsula and out into several nearby communities…all from my doorstep.

Last week when I rode, I noticed I was sprinkling seeds of joy throughout our neighborhood. As I approached someone, I slowed enough to look into their eyes, and with a smile, I gave them a sincere “hello” or “thank you” for allowing me to pass by. Most often, the person receiving this spark of joy softened their energy and returned a warm smile to me. 

Most recently, I stopped to chat with our closest neighbors who were watering their wildflower garden. Both being in their 80s, they are quite cautious in keeping their distance. 

Just with the act of stopping my bike, checking in with them from a comfortable distance and thanking them for helping to make our neighborhood more beautiful, I could feel their joy quotient exponentially grow. And as theirs grew, mine grew too.

Not only that, the people walking by who witnessed this simple act of kindness paused to receive joy from us as well. 

With an expanded heart, a twinkle in my eyes and a smile on my face, I carried on my bike ride for another 60-minutes, this time intentionally scattering more seeds of joy throughout our community. 

Are you aware of the impact you have in the world today? 

Often we are so IN our busyness with its stories, beliefs, fears, judgements, and well, LIFE, we are not aware of the impact we are having on both ourselves and on others.

For example, our fears, worries and beliefs based on fear, can spread seeds of fear all around us and into the future. 

Feelings of judgement and blame spread seeds of separation and division.  

There has never been a better time to take 100% responsibility for our impact and become conscious of our choices and the impact of these choices. 

I invite you to take a moment now to pause with me and get curious. Ask yourself: How do I impact those I love and the world around me, with my words, beliefs, role modelling, thoughts, fears, judgements, stories and actions?  

And as you make this conscious, don’t beat yourself up for anything you did or didn’t do in the past. Just notice…with compassion, love, and gentle forgiveness for yourself. Forgiving yourself is a beautiful way to open your heart to more love.

Make a conscious choice to create more expansive, loving choices. Choices that ripple waves of love, understanding, compassion, joy, unity and light into the world.

And I am so grateful for you. Together we illuminate the world to more love and unity for all. 

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