The movie/book The Secret is an introduction to the Law of Attraction. It lets us know the power of our thoughts and intentions. But what it DOESN’T tell us is the most important truth behind this law.

It’s not our thoughts or words that attract to us a more fulfilling life. It is actually the resonance or feelings that create our reality.

Our world is nothing but frequencies or chi (chee) as we call it in Feng Shui. How do you feel when you enter an uncluttered place filled with love, light and joy? Now compare that with how you feel when you enter a filthy, cluttered space filled with hopeless and despair. That is resonance or frequency. It’s a feeling.

When you tell yourself something you want to believe or think you should believe, it doesn’t change the resonance of how you are actually feeling about the situation. It is your emotions (or resonance) that is attracting to you what you have in your world, not your thoughts or desires.

Your thoughts and desires get you started in the right direction, but if you continue to subconsciously believe that you are not smart enough, not attractive enough, not worthy enough or just plain not enough, you will continue to attract that which resonates at the same level as your feelings…not enough.

Every time you remind yourself of the things you are not, or judge yourself for not being enough, notice and STOP! Ask yourself, “How do these thoughts make me feel? What is the impact these thoughts are having on me?” Am I feeling strong, powerful and loved or do they leave me feeling powerless, separate, and unworthy? Remember, it is what you are feeling, not what you are thinking that is attracting more of the same to you.

Instead of reaching for your inner critical parent, reach for your inner nurturing parent. Those of you who have or work with children usually access this place when your child or student is hurting because they made a mistake. Would you belittle them by telling them how stupid they were or would you say something like, “That was a nice try. Sorry it didn’t work. I know you can do it! What did you learn and what would you like to try differently next time?”

Take Action Now!

  1. Starting this moment, recognize when you judge yourself or put yourself down. Notice when you tell yourself you are not smart enough, rich enough or clever enough.
  2. Stop and drop out of your head and into your body. How do you feel? Worried, overwhelmed, betrayed, rejected, humiliated, anxious or lonely? Watch for self-pity or blame. Ask yourself, “What is the impact these feelings have on my life?”
  3. FORGIVE yourself for your thoughts and feelings and reach for that nurturing parent. Pat yourself on your back, give yourself a hand up and try again. Be inspired and reach for optimism.

Hint: A good question to ask yourself is: “Am I looking for what’s right or am I looking for what’s wrong?

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