Several years back, someone contacted me about attending a 5-day retreat I was holding on the North Island of New Zealand. She lived on the South Island and after adding up all the costs, she sadly explained, with her time commitment with work and her lack of finances, she would not be able to make this happen. 

I told her, if her desire was great enough and she worked with a few energy shifting tools I’d share with her, she could trust 100% that if she was meant to be there, the Universe would help to make that happen. She was all in!

Together on the phone, we eliminated all lower vibrational energies (her Blind Spots) that could sabotage this experience and activated her intention for this or something better, with harm to none. 

Within about 10 days, she received an unexpected check in the mail covering the exact amount she needed for both her airfare and tuition for the full retreat. 

Not only that, her employer agreed this retreat would benefit not only her but her work as well, and gave her the full time away to attend without penalty. 

When you let go and raise your frequency above the “problem”, magic and miracles can take place. The Universe matches the energy of your active imagination in your body, and in that alignment, co-creates your focused desired future with you. 

Cindy Powers Prosor Blog image, Your Light Makes A Difference!

Below are eight basic steps for conscious creation and manifestation:

  1. Get clear with your desire. Write it down in present tense as if it is happening. 
  2. Activate your imagination. Engaging your senses and emotions, feel into this desired future as if it’s happening. Be in the future in the present moment.
  3. Let go of all attachments to the details (the how, when, where and whom, for example). 
  4. Expect, “This or something better, with harm to none.”
  5. Keep it to yourself. Only share this vision with anyone who can hold your highest intent and vision with you. 
  6. Trust in the process. Let things come to you in divine timing.
  7. Keep your vibe high. Do what you love and love what you do. Be in joyful productivity and live with gratitude and abundance in your heart. Remain in trust and be ready to receive.
  8. Stay awake to all possibilities and opportunities that come your way. It’s a feeling over a form. You may actualize a different person, place or thing than what you expect. You’ll know it is yours not by what it looks like but by how it FEELS. 

We humans are natural creators. It’s our natural ability to create our reality from the inside out.

For eons, we have been role modelled and taught to strive, worry, perform, work hard, compete for and fear our worst-case scenarios.

Striving and performing are ways to move forward in life, however, they come with a price. Frustration, exhaustion and anger come to mind as it is impossible to control or change anything outside of yourself. 

The only thing you can control and change is you. 

Through the process of self-awareness and self-love, you can shift your internal fears, criticisms, shame and pain.

Placing awareness on and celebrating your successes and the successes of humanity, allows more light to expand in both your life and in the world.

I encourage you to focus on what you desire, and on what is working, both in your life and in the world today.  

The more we give attention to the higher vibrational things/moments/situations happening and less attention to the problems, the quicker we shift. 

As we give birth to the age of Aquarius, the frequencies within us and around us are expanding. As they expand, our manifesting powers expand too. 

Your light makes a difference! 

Do you look happy and successful on the outside yet on the inside you feel frustrated, lost and alone? When you open the doors within instead of searching outside of you, you’ll have the power, love, and fulfilment you always knew were possible.

Did you know I offer private 1:1 work with clients? If that’s something that interests you, your first step is to book a Breakthrough Session.

One more thing…I’m working on a brand new way to support you. It will all be revealed in a few weeks. Stay tuned!

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