Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!Compassion HeartHave you ever noticed how some people seem to have a charmed life?

Maybe it’s lasting love, plenty of money or a successful business. Maybe they are just happy for no reason at all.

Yet no matter how hard you try, when it comes to certain things in your life, you seem to hit a wall.

Why is it difficult for most of us to find fulfilment in certain areas in our life? Each of us has a core pattern of fear or a belief that’s held in place from something that occurred in the past, usually when we were young.

As we begin to desire something, our fear can grip us in an unconscious belief that keeps us from exactly what we want. These old, subconscious beliefs and fears are keeping us from where we want to be today.

Here is an example. Let’s say, since you can remember, your family’s belief around money has been — it never comes easy and there’s never enough. Perhaps you grew up in an environment that believed those who have money are greedy and/or money corrupts people and societies. Looking back over your life you notice money hasn’t come easy and if you’re really honest, you don’t expect it to change.

Yet, there are people in your life who seem to have all the money they desire and then some. So, what’s the difference?

What you believe or feel on the inside (whether you are aware of it or not) is what you will create on the outside. Your life, as you see it today, is a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and fears.

These fears and beliefs don’t have to be around money. They can include fears of abandonment, humiliation, co-dependency, perfection, and failure just to name a few.

When you become aware of your old constricting fears and beliefs, you are able to see them differently. From this place you can begin to dismantle them and create new beliefs so you can begin living the life you desire and deserve.

Take Action Now:

* Look at where you struggle in your life. It could be healthy relationships, money, a fulfilling career, a loving partner or just believing in yourself.

* Notice the fear pattern, belief or fear that is keeping you stuck? Do you believe you must be perfect? That life is hard? Are you dependent on others or afraid you’ll be abandoned or betrayed? Are you afraid of making mistakes or being judged? Do you believe men/women are not to be trusted?

*Become intimate with this belief and/or fear. Have compassion for this frightened and confused part of yourself.

* Now allow the adult within to redefine what is really true for you. Step powerfully into this new belief.

To claim freedom and happiness in your life, you must become intimate with your fears and beliefs so you can dismantle them and create the life you desire.

Please share your experience and thoughts with me below. Thanks!

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