Articles To Inspire You

UNO. Magazine: Overcoming Your Emotional Blindspots

UNO. Magazine: Overcoming Your Emotional Blindspots

Feeling anxiety or stress can really steal the joy out of life. It may come on overnight, or slowly over time. For me, beginning life in a new country definitely had its challenges; Friendless weeks, family thousands of miles away and holidays spent alone were a few...

The Thief of Joy

The Thief of Joy

Anxiety and stress can lead to a losing battle where it’s impossible to feel joy. Stress and anxiety can happen to the best of us and it’s toll can affect us overnight or slowly over time. For me, beginning a new life in a new country definitely had its challenges....

A Holiday Mindfulness Practice For You

A Holiday Mindfulness Practice For You

Happy Thanksgiving to all my U.S. friends! This is a time to pause and reflect upon all things we are thankful for. Whether you are together with family or spending the holiday alone, I want you to know how very thankful I am to have you in my Opening Doors Within...

UNO. Magazine: The Brave Move

UNO. Magazine: The Brave Move

Cindy is exactly the kind of import we love! The Californian came to us via Gisborne, bringing with her an unusual skill. Cindy helps people who, on the outside, look like they are nailing life, when in fact they are struggling inside. PHOTOS TRACIE HEASMAN We loved...

The Art of Not Being Offended

The Art of Not Being Offended

Have you ever found yourself in an argument, feeling picked on or in the midst of drama and confused about how you got there? This could happen with a family member, someone at work or even a complete stranger. Almost always, another person’s inner turbulence has...

I’m Ready for This!

I’m Ready for This!

How conscious are you in creating your beautiful life? Below are a few items that are vital in consciously creating your desired life. Desire. How clear are you with what you desire? It’s important to get clear with what you desire. Collaborate and co-create with the...

Ready for what’s coming to you?

Ready for what’s coming to you?

I am writing you today from the porch of my family’s lakeside cabin in Northern California. It’s pure bliss! I’ve spent the last three weeks reconnecting to loved ones, hiking in wildflower meadows, picking huckleberries, waterskiing, mountain biking, hiking, dancing,...

Creating a Positive Future With Words

Creating a Positive Future With Words

What you are thinking and feeling is being matched at every moment by the Universe, whether you are aware of it or not. This is the Law of Attraction. If you don’t like the way something is going in your life, become conscious of your thoughts and feelings. One...

Weary of Worry?

Weary of Worry?

Do you have a habit of worrying and being pessimistic when things are not in your control? Do you lie awake at night thinking of worse case scenarios? Would you like to be able to relax, go back to sleep knowing all is well?

If so, it’s time to learn how to let go of worry and lean into trust.

From Fear to Trust

From Fear to Trust

Fear says, I’m afraid of what could happen. Trust says, I don’t know what will happen but I I’ll try anyway. Fear says, It’s a scary world and people can’t be trusted. Trust says, The right people show up in my life at just the right time. Fear says, Save me....

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