istock_000000981376xsmallSo often in my practice, my clients complain that they cannot get rid of the doubt and anxiety that takes over in their heads.

Sometimes, it is not as easy as we would like, to stop the worry and struggle of life. All too often, we find ourselves giving attention to what we don’t want rather than what we do want. We worry about what could bring us hurt and disappointment tomorrow and forget to recognize and appreciate what we have today. It is easier for most of us to see the glass half empty instead of half full.

Logically, we know this stuff. But how do we stop this crazy habit of doing, going and reaching for what’s out there? How do we get off the roller coaster of worry, doubt and fear in order to reconnect with the part of our self that relaxes into trust?

One way is through meditation.

For most of us, the thought of meditation makes us uncomfortable, as it brings to mind boring moments of restlessness, uncontrollable thoughts (monkey mind) and what seems like wasted time.

Experience shows that meditation can help to clear your mind of static, so you can attain clarity and focus and achieve more, with less effort and time. It allows you the luxury of letting go of your “shoulds” and gives you permission to relax in the present. It takes the weight from your life and gives you space to breathe.

When you are able to let go and focus on the present, you end up feeling more “at one” with the universe rather than separate from it. The solutions to your problems somehow appear. Often, the so-called problems vanish completely and you end up wondering what the problem was in the first place!

More than 1,000 scientific studies on the effects of meditation have been conducted at more than 250 independent universities and research institutions in 33 countries. Many of these studies have been published in leading scientific journals. Here are some of the ways that meditation can be beneficial:

  • Increase focus and concentration
  • Increase energy level
  • Improve memory and learning
  • Reduce stress and increase a peaceful state
  • Reduce drug and alcohol use
  • Reduce depression and anxiety
  • Help with pain management
  • Support a healthier immune system for overall health
  • Improve happiness and self-esteem
  • Increase powers of observation
  • Deepen awareness of the quantum field (ie: help with the Law of Attraction)

Just as using free weights can be used to develop specific muscles in the body, meditation develops the muscles of focus, memory, peace, contentment, immune strength and connection to self.

Take Action Now!

Over the next 2 weeks, notice your thoughts and feelings…

  • Are you often aware of what is not working or not “right” in your life?
  • Are you frustrated, irritated, anxious or depressed?
  • Are you obsessed with trying to control or make things happen?
  • Do you feel like other people or things are making you feel a certain way?
  • Are you often sick or in pain?
  • Would you like to decrease your intake of alcohol or drugs?
  • Do you feel tired and unmotivated?

If you relate to any of the above, consider this question: What is the impact on your life?

I’ll return in 2 weeks with some suggestions for
beginning a meditation practice that’s right for you.

Copyright 2009 Cindy Prosor.

Cindy Prosor, the Inner Feng Shui Guidess is a writer, teacher, entrepreneur and expert inner-peace coach. Cindy works with others who are ready to turn up the volume of love, inner-peace and abundance in their lives through her private and group mentoring and coaching programs. For more articles like this, please take a look around. While you are here, don’t forget to grab your FREE tips on the 7 Biggest Feng Shui Secrets to Creating Abundance, Better Relationships and Radiant Health.

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