
The colors that surround you affect every area of your life. You can use color to adjust the energy in an entire room. You can also wear colors to influence your inner world…your emotions, your health and your interactions with others. By doing so, you can actually transform your life!

Studies show that extraverted people tend to be attracted more toward warm colors and introverted people have a preference toward a cooler palette.

Below is a list of colors and their attributes as well as a few suggestions for powerful places to use them.

Purple activates intuition, spirituality, and psychic awareness. It has a calming and soothing effect. It is associated with wealth and is most powerful used in the far left corner of your room, home or office.

Blue activates inspiration, faith, hope, contentment, compassion, patience, spirituality, knowledge, and inner peace. It is a good color for growing and flourishing. Use it in children’s bedrooms, living, family and dining rooms. Light blue is good in a master bedroom.

Green activates health, growth, abundance, new life, vitality, hope, new beginnings, balance and harmony. Use it in a room where you’d like to add cheer, growth and harmony such as bedrooms, family and living rooms.

Yellow activates academic learning and achievement, communication, expression, sincerity and faithfulness. Use it in places where you study and communicate. Golds into browns stimulate health, being grounded and connection.

Orange activates optimism, enthusiasm and confidence. It inspires community and warm heartedness. It’s a great color for a social function.

Red activates passion, power, justice, energy, physical strength, protection, tenacity, fame and excitement. Red is a powerful color. Wear it when you want to be noticed!

Pink activates passion and romance. If that’s what you desire, it’s a great color for the bedroom.

Black activates power and authority as well as stillness, and mystery. Too much black can bring on depression, despair and gloom.

White activates purification, divinity, expansiveness, and divine love. Too much white can feel sterile.

As with all Feng Shui cures, it’s important to get clear with your intention. What exactly is it you would like to attract or change in your life? Imagine the outcome by engaging all of your senses as you add or wear the color. See it, feel it, and believe it!

Remember, it’s good Feng Shui if it feels good. When using any Feng Shui cures, always follow your intuitive inner guidance first.

Take Action Now

Here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What would you like to change in your life today?
  • How could you use color to help you make those changes?
  • What are your favorite colors and why? What do these colors evoke in you?
  • Notice the impact certain colors have on your moods and emotions.
  • Notice how wearing certain colors impact those around you. I’ve noticed wearing my eye color creates ease and connection with those I engage with. Try it for a job interview!

As always, have fun with this!

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