Do you beat yourself up for making wrong choices in your life? How do you respond to conflict from another? Do you defend and react? Are you left feeling misunderstood or angry?

Let’s say you befriended someone who was looking for an opportunity to invest in a new business venture. A part of you connects to this person and for whatever reason, wants to support their dreams of owning a business. Without doing proper due diligence before loaning them the money, you say, “yes” to a partnership. Now it’s two years later and you see this was not a good business decision after all and you have to declare bankruptcy. How do you react?

In one perspective, a part of you tells you how “stupid” you were. You beat yourself up for making such a terrible “mistake”. You might feel like a victim, resentful and filled with anger or even self-pity. You might be saying, “How could this happen to me?” Maybe it’s not the first time something like this has happened to you so you’re saying, “I can’t believe I did it again!”

Sound familiar? How do you feel in your body? Chances are you’re tight, constricted, maybe even feeling sick?

Maybe it’s something that’s happened with a family member, a spouse, an ex-partner, or a friend. It doesn’t matter. We all do it in our life. We usually call these “mistakes” and hold onto them as we mentally “beat up” others and ourselves.

Now, come with me for a higher perspective. From this higher place, I’d like you to consider looking at your situation from “Why is this happening TO me?” to “Why is this happening FOR me?”

What if this incident or person was in your life for a reason?

What if you were to look at what happened not as a mistake but as a lesson? How could this other person be your teacher instead of your curse? What could this situation be telling you about yourself? And if this lesson were learned, how would your life be different? How could you be changed…forever?

The fact is, by looking at this situation from this higher perspective, it could help make your life a lot more peaceful and “problem” free.

This situation in fact, happened to a client of mine. She stayed in her “small story” for years, beating herself up for being so “stupid”, and cursing this other person over and over in her head.

When she came to me, I helped her take the “higher perspective”. What we uncovered was a part of her who was lonely and looking to be taken care of. This deep part of her wanted to be loved and nurtured. Subconsciously, this part believed if she took care of this other person, then maybe this other person would take care of her.

Not a good reason to loan money.

This was all subconscious, of course. She wasn’t deliberately doing this. Yet in a sense, she was manipulating this person with her money so this person would take care of her. She was making choices for all the wrong reasons and they were leaving her feeling angry, resentful, and even more alone. Just the opposite of what she desired.

Once she recognized this, her life began to shift. Instead of beating herself up, she reached for compassion. From here it was easy to forgive, both herself and the other person.

Today, my client has the tools to take care of herself. She now knows how to give herself everything she was (subconsciously) looking for from others. She now knows how to support, nurture and love herself.

Big lesson. Great teacher. Big learning. Incredible shift.

Is there a situation or person in your life keeping you miserable? Are you stuck in the small story of, “Why is this happening TO me”? Do you believe life is hard? Are you holding onto emotions of anger, frustration, confusion or blame?

If so, I invite you to go to the higher perspective. Look for the lessons and the teachers in your life. We all have them.

This is one key to unlocking the door to more peace, compassion, trust, hope, connection, and love in your life.

What are you holding onto that’s not serving you anymore? Are you willing to look at this from a higher perspective? If so, I’d love to be your guide.

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