by Cindy Powers Prosor | Jun 30, 2021 | Consciously Creating Your Life, Personal, Stories |
Recently I had to make the difficult decision to cancel our annual two-month trip back to the U.S. and instead, stay through the winter in New Zealand. Those of you who have been following me for a while know this annual trip is the highlight of my year. It’s the time...
by Cindy Powers Prosor | Jun 10, 2021 | Consciously Creating Your Life, Events |
Have you noticed your busyness keeps you feeling disconnected from both yourself and from others? Because you are spending energy and time trying to GET somewhere, you are missing out on precious moments and opportunities that are right in front of you. Chances are,...
by Cindy Powers Prosor | May 25, 2021 | Consciously Creating Your Life, Events |
On Wednesday, May 26, we enjoy the magic of a Super New Blood Moon followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse. The exact time for this in New Zealand is 11:13 pm and in PDT is 4:13 am. This is one of the most influential energy days of 2021. No matter where you live, everyone...
by Cindy Powers Prosor | May 25, 2021 | Consciously Creating Your Life, Events |
Put your seatbelt on and pull it tight! There is a lot happening energetically over the next few months! Plus, I’m offering a Winter Solstice Retreat! We are moving into the Eclipse Season, a time where things can be brought up to the surface to be looked at to...
by Cindy Powers Prosor | May 5, 2021 | Consciously Creating Your Life |
The moon and I have a special relationship when it’s waning. It quietly wakes me, just as it’s rising above the water during the wee hours of the morning. I can hear it’s whisper, asking me to open my eyes, inviting me to delight in it’s early morning pleasure....
by Cindy Powers Prosor | Apr 21, 2021 | Consciously Creating Your Life |
How are you navigating the chaos of this changing world? For many of us, it’s an intense time. Would you agree? Follow my 9 steps into feeling free to experience more joy in your life. As a planet, we are all shifting into higher states of consciousness…from a...
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