Articles To Inspire You

Are you ready for change?

Are you ready for change?

I have noticed in my coaching practice and in my life, many people are questioning themselves. Some of the things I see them questioning are their relationships, careers, health, living locations, the information and people they once related to and/or trusted…even...

Solstice Magic! A powerful and cosmic occasion

Solstice Magic! A powerful and cosmic occasion

Over the next 24-36 hours, the magic of Solstice will be taking place.  If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, summer has arrived. You are experiencing the longest day of your year as the sun is high above the horizon. It’s time to expand, celebrate and soak in...

What Gives Life Meaning For You?

What Gives Life Meaning For You?

How are you feeling today? Personally, I have been feeling a tremendous need to rest, meditate, write, breathe, feel, be still and go within.  For some of us, this can be challenging. Our scattered minds want to reach for anything just to keep our hands busy. Our...

Faith Over Fear

Faith Over Fear

I did not work much at all in December.  I allowed myself to fully enjoy and experience my family who visited us in New Zealand from the U.S. It was the first time we had our four-year old grandson at our home, along with his four-month old brother and 3-month...

A Personal Story

A Personal Story

I believe if you want to learn something, teach it. On Monday I wrote a newsletter for you that was filled with lots of powerful information around harnessing the eclipse energy we are experiencing this week. It was really good and it was really full.  When I...

10 Important Things to Focus Upon Now

10 Important Things to Focus Upon Now

I’m back after four months of an intentional break from my business - to fully focus on our family… from our parents to our children, our grandchildren and our neglected, seventh generational family cabin. It’s been big. Returning from the U.S. to New Zealand took...

Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

A couple of weeks ago I shared that we are in transition and how this is an important time for extreme self care.  We are ushering out a dying “old world” based in domination with separation, power over and manipulation. As we do this, we are giving birth to a...

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