Articles To Inspire You

Want more abundance?

Want more abundance?

As I wind down my three month “love-fest” in Northern California reuniting with family and friends at our lakeside cottage, I am reminded abundance comes in many forms. It’s easy to get caught up with “shoulds” and long lists of “to-dos”, yet to live a fulfilling and...

Is this you too?

Is this you too?

I’m about to board a plane for my 24-hour journey and annual visit to reunite with family in the U.S. for three months. I’m excited and I didn’t want this week to pass by without helping you harness the energy of July.  Today is a Full-Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse day....

Love Note

Love Note

Think of a time when you feared, struggled, worried, or doubted your way through something. Maybe it was around money, being liked or getting a job. How did that feel in your body?  For me, it brings up memories of feeling heavy, shallow breath, tight in my tummy,...

You may want to do this

I’ve just opened up two spaces for two new clients. Could one of them be yours? If you’ve been on the fence about coaching with me, now’s the perfect time to reach out. The first step is to book a Breakthrough Session. I share all the details of a Breakthrough Session...

Ready for magic?

Ready for magic?

Think of a time when you feared, struggled, worried, or doubted your way through something in your life. Maybe it was around money, being liked or getting a job. How did that feel in your body? For me, it brings up memories of feeling heavy, tight in my tummy,...

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