Articles To Inspire You
I Open My Heart Here
October was an emotional month for me. On top of feeling the major division and chaos in the world today, my Mother left us, Larry and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary and I celebrated my birthday. So this month, I took time to BE with me. Here’s a bit...
A Powerful Thing To Notice – Make THIS Conscious!
I have a question for you today: Are you aware of your impact? I imagine you’ve noticed the fear and separation trying to happen within our current narrative. Fear is one of the worst things for your immune system. Not only that, what you give attention to expands, so...
Roasted Cauliflower Soup
Recently I posted a photo of this yummy roasted cauliflower soup on Instagram and was immediately requested the recipe from several people. "Lockdown winter meals. Both Larry and I love to cook, especially with food grown from our garden and homemade sourdough...
5-Steps To Calming The Chaos
How easy is it for you to access clarity and calm in today's chaotic turbulence? Especially around your biggest triggers and challenging situations? Stress, frustration, overwhelm, uncertainty and conflict can create anxiety, insecurity and fear. Learning to access...
A Grounding Tool To Keep You Feeling Safe
As an energy worker and Feng Shui practitioner, I enjoy using the properties of stones in my home, in my office and on my body. Today I’ll be sharing the centering and stabilization energies of Smoky Quartz. Smoky Quartz works with the root chakra. It can vary...
Funding Available To Work With Me (NZ Residents Only)
If you live in New Zealand, are a small to medium New Zealand business owner, and you’ve been considering getting support from me, you may be eligible for funding. At this time, there is a pool of funding available through the Business Capability Funding with...
Your Light Makes A Difference!
Several years back, someone contacted me about attending a 5-day retreat I was holding on the North Island of New Zealand. She lived on the South Island and after adding up all the costs, she sadly explained, with her time commitment with work and her lack of...
A favourite share of mine!
I want to share today what I believe is currently one of the most important things in the world. Embodying Love. As you learn to embody love, you will shift both yourself and the world in amazing ways. Today I'd like to share a few of my favorite ways to...
I’ve Had The Most Emotional Week Of My Life
Have you noticed there is a lot of emotional turbulence happening in the world today? There is so much change and uncertainty, and that’s creating chaos. Many souls are going home at this time. Not all of us are meant to be...
Which Wave Are You Being Called To Ride?
Have you noticed there are two distinct energy waves occurring today? One high-vibe energy wave is attracting and awakening a certain group of souls who are ready to take their lives to the next, conscious level of awareness. The second energy wave is...
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