Articles To Inspire You

The Best Medicine For Today

The Best Medicine For Today

It’s been a sometimes scary, sometimes disorienting, and totally unprecedented nine months for all of us. No matter where you live, it’s not difficult to read or hear about the chaos, fear, and confusion that is going on in the world today. As many of you know, Larry...

Lessons From A 2-Year Old

Lessons From A 2-Year Old

Wherever you are on this beautiful planet of ours, may your season of spring or fall bring you ease, beauty and warmth.  I have now experienced 32 days straight with my 2-years old grandson, Finn. Needless to say, I am grateful to spend this time with my precious...

I’m Caught In A Riptide

I’m Caught In A Riptide

Much has occurred since we last connected. Change can happen in an instant! After receiving a phone call from our daughter in Bozeman Montana, Larry and I packed up and left New Zealand for the United States last week.  Although I am used to travelling between...

Cindy Unmasked

Cindy Unmasked

It’s bad enough that I’m experiencing my first winter since 2004. With all the darkness and rain, coupled with deep sadness of not being with my family, this past week has kicked my butt!  My mother is alone in her last days with hospice. I called her on Monday and...

Are You Listening?

Are You Listening?

How are you navigating the terrain of our changing and chaotic world? We are at a crossroads. I’m seeing a division amongst us, in families, communities, and the world. How can we create more productive conversations without feeling the need to shut another person...

BIG Eclipse Energy this Weekend!

BIG Eclipse Energy this Weekend!

Here we are at the Lunar Eclipse Independence Day weekend. This is the final eclipse in the triple-eclipse doorway. The eclipse energy this weekend and for the month of July are potent! You may be feeling exhausted as well as courageous, fierce and independent. As a...

Super Powerful Weekend Ahead!

Super Powerful Weekend Ahead!

I mentioned in January, that 2020 was opening the door to BIG CHANGES for each of us and for the entire planet. We are being reset. Have you had your seatbelt fastened?  Chaos always precedes change and change is uncomfortable. How are you handling all of this? This...

Are You Lonely?

Are You Lonely?

Many of us look for love outside of ourselves. We believe, when someone loves us, then we will feel loved and not lonely.  In fact, you ARE love. Love is within you. You were born pure love.  Yet most of us were not taught or role modelled this. Between ages 2-7, many...

Do you Know your Worth?

Do you Know your Worth?

Let me share a story with you... Before he died, a father said to his son; “Here is a watch that your grandfather gave me. It is almost 200 years old. Before I give it to you, go to the jewelry store downtown. Tell them that I want to sell it, and see how much they...

[Time Sensitive] It’s A Powerful Time!

[Time Sensitive] It’s A Powerful Time!

This is a time-sensitive post because I don’t want you to miss the energy coming in on the planet in just a few hours. Over the coming 24-36 hours, the moon will be new and dark. This is a potent time for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual rebirths to take...

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